BRAND GROUP (M.G) dividends

Last dividend for BRAND GROUP (M.G) (BRND.TA) as of May 9, 2024 is 5.75 ILA. The forward dividend yield for BRND.TA as of May 9, 2024 is 4.85%.

Dividend history for stock BRND.TA (BRAND GROUP (M.G)) including historic stock price, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

BRAND GROUP (M.G) Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-04-09 5.7503 ILA (95.64%) 279.50 ILA 279.50 ILA
2023-06-12 2.9392 ILA (-25.00%) 248.30 ILA 248.30 ILA
2022-09-05 3.9190 ILA (-20.00%) 398.70 ILA 393.93 ILA
2021-12-19 4.8987 ILA (-83.54%) 425.50 ILA 416.27 ILA
2017-04-30 29.7698 ILA (200.00%) 1122.32 ILA 1085.16 ILA
2016-12-18 9.9233 ILA 1128.28 ILA 1062.43 ILA
2016-10-18 9.9233 ILA (-50%) 1091.56 ILA 1018.92 ILA
2010-01-03 19.8466 ILA (-60.00%) 297.60 ILA 275.20 ILA
2008-04-16 49.6164 ILA (108.33%) 364.88 ILA 314.62 ILA
2007-03-25 23.8159 ILA 291.25 ILA 220.52 ILA


Price: ILA243

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.00%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 4.85%

Payout Ratio: -15973.03%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 11.50 ILA

Earnings Per Share: -0.07 ILA

P/E Ratio: -31.64

Exchange: TLV

Sector: Basic Materials

Industry: Steel

Market Capitalization: 117.8 million

Average Dividend Frequency: 1

Years Paying Dividends: 4
