Diös Fastigheter AB dividends

Last dividend for Diös Fastigheter AB (DIOS.ST) as of May 9, 2024 is 0.50 SEK. The forward dividend yield for DIOS.ST as of May 9, 2024 is 2.23%. Average dividend growth rate for stock Diös Fastigheter AB (DIOS.ST) for past three years is 12.78%.

Dividend history for stock DIOS.ST (Diös Fastigheter AB) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

Diös Fastigheter AB Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-01-19 0.5000 SEK 58.55 SEK 58.55 SEK
2023-10-19 0.5000 SEK 59.90 SEK 59.90 SEK
2023-07-19 0.5000 SEK 67.89 SEK 68.45 SEK
2023-04-19 0.5000 SEK (-43.18%) 73.54 SEK 74.70 SEK
2023-01-05 0.8800 SEK 76.13 SEK 77.85 SEK
2022-10-06 0.8800 SEK 66.57 SEK 68.85 SEK
2022-07-06 0.8800 SEK 70.28 SEK 73.65 SEK
2022-04-06 0.8800 SEK (-46.67%) 92.79 SEK 98.45 SEK
2021-10-29 1.6500 SEK 93.39 SEK 99.95 SEK
2021-04-14 1.6500 SEK 70.45 SEK 76.60 SEK
2020-10-30 1.6500 SEK 56.13 SEK 62.35 SEK
2020-06-26 1.6500 SEK 54.86 SEK 62.60 SEK
2020-04-03 1.6500 SEK (10%) 50.04 SEK 58.65 SEK
2019-10-29 1.5000 SEK 65.11 SEK 78.50 SEK
2019-04-24 1.5000 SEK (3.45%) 58.45 SEK 71.70 SEK
2018-10-25 1.4500 SEK 43.38 SEK 54.30 SEK
2018-04-25 1.4500 SEK (-27.50%) 43.51 SEK 55.95 SEK
2017-04-27 2 SEK (-10.52%) 34.34 SEK 45.30 SEK
2016-04-27 2.2351 SEK 33.98 SEK 46.86 SEK
2015-04-23 2.2351 SEK (23.92%) 35.65 SEK 51.56 SEK
2014-04-29 1.8037 SEK 27.17 SEK 40.98 SEK
2013-04-26 1.8037 SEK (109.08%) 19.92 SEK 31.37 SEK
2012-05-03 0.8627 SEK (-35.41%) 14.96 SEK 24.94 SEK
2011-04-15 1.3356 SEK (2.44%) 18.81 SEK 32.47 SEK
2010-04-20 1.3038 SEK (25.00%) 13.09 SEK 23.58 SEK
2009-04-22 1.0430 SEK 8.36 SEK 15.92 SEK
2008-04-30 1.0430 SEK (27.27%) 10.29 SEK 21.82 SEK
2007-04-30 0.8195 SEK 13.96 SEK 29.86 SEK


Price: SEK89.85

52 week price:

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 2.23%

Payout Ratio: -33.28%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 2.00 SEK

Earnings Per Share: -6.01 SEK

P/E Ratio: -38.92

Exchange: STO

Sector: Real Estate

Industry: Real Estate - Diversified

Market Capitalization: 11.2 billion

Average Dividend Frequency: 2

Years Paying Dividends: 18

DGR3: 12.78%

DGR5: 17.36%

DGR10: 20.93%
