DORO AB dividends

Dividend history for stock DORO.ST (DORO AB) including historic stock price and split, spin-off and special dividends.

DORO AB Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2017-04-28 0.4841 SEK (-33.34%) 58.50 SEK 58.50 SEK
2014-05-13 0.7262 SEK (19.99%) 38.90 SEK 38.26 SEK
2013-05-15 0.6052 SEK (25.02%) 33.50 SEK 31.73 SEK
2012-03-22 0.4841 SEK (99.96%) 27.80 SEK 25.32 SEK
2011-03-24 0.2421 SEK (-89.11%) 29.50 SEK 25.95 SEK
2000-03-15 2.2236 SEK 23.60 SEK 23.60 SEK


Price: SEK20.80

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.09%

Earnings Per Share: 1.33 SEK

P/E Ratio: 15

Exchange: STO

Sector: Technology

Industry: Communication Equipment

Market Capitalization: 485.3 million

Average Dividend Frequency: 1
