Last dividend for ENEL GENERACION CHILE S.A. (ENELGXCH.SN) as of May 9, 2024 is 4.88 CLP. The forward dividend yield for ENELGXCH.SN as of May 9, 2024 is 2.75%. Average dividend growth rate for stock ENEL GENERACION CHILE S.A. (ENELGXCH.SN) for past three years is 1.05%.

Dividend history for stock ENELGXCH.SN (ENEL GENERACION CHILE S.A.) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.


Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-01-15 2024-01-19 4.8753 CLP (-74.28%) 314.00 CLP 314.00 CLP
2023-05-15 2023-05-19 18.9519 CLP (552.25%) 245.18 CLP 245.18 CLP
2023-01-16 2023-01-20 2.9056 CLP (-5.09%) 185.92 CLP 185.92 CLP
2022-05-16 2022-05-20 3.0614 CLP (159.57%) 108.28 CLP 110.00 CLP
2022-01-17 2022-01-21 1.1794 CLP (-94.54%) 153.44 CLP 160.19 CLP
2021-05-24 2021-05-27 21.6020 CLP (79.94%) 202.61 CLP 213.06 CLP
2020-05-22 2020-05-27 12.0051 CLP (409.04%) 252.84 CLP 293.00 CLP
2020-01-20 2020-01-24 2.3584 CLP (-79.33%) 319.76 CLP 385.00 CLP
2019-05-13 2019-05-17 11.4115 CLP (1.93%) 339.27 CLP 411.00 CLP
2019-01-07 2019-01-11 11.1956 CLP (-12.23%) 329.57 CLP 410.14 CLP
2018-05-11 2018-05-18 12.7550 CLP (158.40%) 384.97 CLP 492.17 CLP
2018-01-22 2018-01-26 4.9361 CLP (-57.16%) 430.98 CLP 565.64 CLP
2017-05-22 11.5234 CLP (58.99%) 393.04 CLP 520.34 CLP
2017-01-24 7.2479 CLP (-34.24%) 322.37 CLP 436.03 CLP
2016-05-18 11.0224 CLP (209.93%) 442.50 CLP 618.91 CLP
2016-01-25 3.5564 CLP (-79.02%) 384.84 CLP 547.69 CLP
2015-05-19 16.9550 CLP (392.81%) 412.37 CLP 590.67 CLP
2015-01-26 3.4405 CLP (-80.56%) 401.90 CLP 592.37 CLP
2014-05-12 17.6986 CLP (356.42%) 343.60 CLP 509.37 CLP
2014-01-27 3.8777 CLP (-65.51%) 308.48 CLP 473.62 CLP
2013-05-06 11.2430 CLP (269.52%) 338.31 CLP 523.55 CLP
2013-01-21 3.0426 CLP (-86.27%) 323.11 CLP 510.83 CLP
2012-05-14 22.1582 CLP (335.81%) 334.32 CLP 531.74 CLP
2012-01-16 5.0844 CLP (-80.52%) 287.64 CLP 476.75 CLP
2011-05-06 26.0980 CLP (305.94%) 332.15 CLP 556.37 CLP
2011-01-21 6.4290 CLP (-63.33%) 312.89 CLP 549.55 CLP
2010-04-29 17.5305 CLP (88.25%) 290.66 CLP 516.50 CLP
2009-12-11 9.3124 CLP (-41.55%) 286.26 CLP 526.55 CLP
2009-05-07 15.9330 CLP (197.75%) 257.38 CLP 482.15 CLP
2008-12-15 5.3512 CLP (-53.73%) 245.22 CLP 474.75 CLP
2008-04-24 11.5647 CLP (427.44%) 239.11 CLP 468.19 CLP
2007-12-20 2.1926 CLP (-79.77%) 200.39 CLP 402.29 CLP
2007-05-16 10.8400 CLP 258.80 CLP 522.43 CLP


Price: CLP350

52 week price:

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 2.75%

Payout Ratio: 15.72%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 9.75 CLP

Earnings Per Share: 59.14 CLP

P/E Ratio: 3.49

Exchange: SGO

Sector: Utilities

Industry: Utilities - Renewable

Volume: 5.8 million

Market Capitalization: 2.9 trillion

Average Dividend Frequency: 2

Years Paying Dividends: 18

DGR3: 1.05%

DGR5: 1.23%

DGR10: -1.79%
