Kallebäck Property Invest AB dividends

Last dividend for Kallebäck Property Invest AB (KAPIAB.ST) as of May 8, 2024 is 3 SEK. The forward dividend yield for KAPIAB.ST as of May 8, 2024 is 6.59%.

Dividend history for stock KAPIAB.ST (Kallebäck Property Invest AB) including historic stock price, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

Kallebäck Property Invest AB Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-03-28 2024-04-05 3 SEK 184.00 SEK 184.00 SEK
2023-12-28 2024-01-04 3 SEK 167.50 SEK 167.50 SEK
2023-09-29 2023-10-05 3 SEK 172.50 SEK 172.50 SEK
2023-06-29 2023-07-05 3 SEK 179.50 SEK 179.50 SEK
2023-03-30 2023-04-05 3 SEK 185.85 SEK 189.00 SEK
2022-12-29 2023-01-04 3 SEK 176.14 SEK 182.00 SEK
2022-09-29 2022-10-05 3 SEK 173.27 SEK 182.00 SEK
2022-06-29 2022-07-05 3 SEK 164.32 SEK 175.50 SEK
2022-03-29 2022-04-04 3 SEK 196.12 SEK 213.00 SEK
2021-12-29 2022-01-05 3 SEK 187.96 SEK 207.00 SEK
2021-09-29 2021-10-05 3 SEK 175.43 SEK 196.00 SEK
2021-06-29 2021-07-05 3 SEK 175.44 SEK 199.00 SEK
2021-03-29 2021-04-07 3 SEK 155.44 SEK 179.00 SEK
2020-12-29 2021-01-07 3 SEK 146.01 SEK 171.00 SEK
2020-09-29 2020-10-05 3 SEK 148.49 SEK 177.00 SEK
2020-06-29 2020-07-03 3 SEK 151.36 SEK 183.50 SEK
2020-03-27 2020-04-02 3 SEK 114.01 SEK 140.50 SEK
2019-12-27 2020-01-07 3 SEK 149.33 SEK 188.00 SEK
2019-09-27 2019-10-03 3 SEK 141.09 SEK 180.50 SEK
2019-06-27 2019-07-03 3 SEK (20%) 140.68 SEK 183.00 SEK
2019-03-29 2.5000 SEK 134.91 SEK 162.00 SEK
2018-12-27 2.5000 SEK 128.25 SEK 154.00 SEK
2018-09-28 2.5000 SEK 135.74 SEK 163.00 SEK
2018-06-29 2.5000 SEK 123.67 SEK 148.50 SEK
2018-03-28 2018-04-05 2.5000 SEK 103.60 SEK 137.00 SEK
2017-12-28 2018-01-04 2.5000 SEK 100.99 SEK 136.00 SEK
2017-09-28 2017-10-04 2.5000 SEK 100.99 SEK 138.50 SEK
2017-06-29 2017-07-05 2.5000 SEK 96.15 SEK 134.25 SEK
2017-04-03 2017-04-07 2.5000 SEK 89.29 SEK 127.00 SEK
2017-03-30 2.5000 SEK 96.21 SEK 126.75 SEK
2016-12-29 2017-01-04 2.5000 SEK 85.98 SEK 124.75 SEK
2016-09-29 2016-10-05 2.5000 SEK 88.67 SEK 131.25 SEK
2016-06-29 2016-07-05 2.5000 SEK 83.03 SEK 125.25 SEK
2016-04-01 2016-04-07 2.5000 SEK 75.85 SEK 116.75 SEK
2015-12-28 2016-01-05 2.5000 SEK 72.98 SEK 114.75 SEK
2015-09-28 2015-10-02 2.5000 SEK 69.68 SEK 112.00 SEK
2015-06-29 2015-07-03 2.5000 SEK 68.77 SEK 113.00 SEK
2015-03-31 2015-04-08 2.5000 SEK 70.24 SEK 118.00 SEK


Price: SEK182.50

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.06%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 6.59%

Payout Ratio: 117.76%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 12.00 SEK

Earnings Per Share: 10.19 SEK

P/E Ratio: 16.67

Exchange: STO

Sector: Real Estate

Industry: Real Estate Services

Market Capitalization: 678.9 million

Average Dividend Frequency: 4

Years Paying Dividends: 10
