Lifco AB ser.B dividends

Last dividend for Lifco AB ser.B (LIFCO-B.ST) as of May 9, 2024 is 2.10 SEK. The forward dividend yield for LIFCO-B.ST as of May 9, 2024 is 0.78%. Average dividend growth rate for stock Lifco AB ser.B (LIFCO-B.ST) for past three years is -30.00%.

Dividend history for stock LIFCO-B.ST (Lifco AB ser.B) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

Lifco AB ser.B Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-04-25 2024-05-02 2.1000 SEK (16.67%) 268.10 SEK 268.10 SEK
2023-05-02 2023-05-08 1.8000 SEK (20%) 228.80 SEK 228.80 SEK
2022-05-02 2022-05-06 1.5000 SEK (25%) 193.74 SEK 195.25 SEK
2021-04-26 2021-04-30 1.2000 SEK (14.29%) 181.47 SEK 184.20 SEK
2020-06-25 2020-07-01 1.0500 SEK (-80%) 114.13 SEK 116.60 SEK
2020-04-27 5.2500 SEK (470.65%) 88.66 SEK 91.40 SEK
2019-04-29 2019-05-06 0.9200 SEK (15%) 81.71 SEK 89.68 SEK
2018-04-25 2018-05-02 0.8000 SEK (14.29%) 59.31 SEK 65.80 SEK
2017-05-05 2017-05-11 0.7000 SEK (16.67%) 48.38 SEK 54.36 SEK
2016-05-13 2016-05-19 0.6000 SEK (15.38%) 40.41 SEK 46.00 SEK
2015-05-07 2015-05-13 0.5200 SEK 27.89 SEK 32.18 SEK


Price: SEK272.60

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.01%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 0.78%

Payout Ratio: 29.13%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 2.10 SEK

Earnings Per Share: 7.21 SEK

P/E Ratio: 38.97

Exchange: STO

Sector: Industrials

Industry: Conglomerates

Market Capitalization: 126.4 billion

Average Dividend Frequency: 1

Years Paying Dividends: 10

DGR3: -30.00%

DGR5: -12.31%
