Mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk. dividends

Last dividend for Mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk. (MBAP.JK) as of May 12, 2024 is 245 IDR. The forward dividend yield for MBAP.JK as of May 12, 2024 is 14.85%. Average dividend growth rate for stock Mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk. (MBAP.JK) for past three years is 30.00%.

Dividend history for stock MBAP.JK (Mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk.) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

Mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk. Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2023-11-02 245 IDR (-74.56%) 4700.00 IDR 4700.00 IDR
2023-06-06 963 IDR (93395.15%) 4830.00 IDR 4600.22 IDR
2022-09-22 1.0300 IDR (-99.80%) 9675.00 IDR 7651.07 IDR
2022-06-16 523 IDR (54.73%) 6600.00 IDR 5218.82 IDR
2021-10-06 338 IDR (193.91%) 3900.00 IDR 2850.94 IDR
2021-06-04 115 IDR (-67.88%) 2840.00 IDR 1908.60 IDR
2020-08-25 358 IDR (506.78%) 2640.00 IDR 1707.07 IDR
2020-06-18 59 IDR (-42.16%) 1560.00 IDR 881.12 IDR
2019-11-08 102 IDR (75.86%) 1980.00 IDR 1077.11 IDR
2019-06-21 58 IDR (-75.83%) 2250.00 IDR 1165.64 IDR
2018-12-03 240 IDR (-27.27%) 2890.00 IDR 1460.41 IDR
2018-05-30 330 IDR (81.32%) 3530.00 IDR 1645.27 IDR
2017-09-20 182 IDR (54.36%) 2390.00 IDR 1019.68 IDR
2017-06-02 117.9100 IDR (16.85%) 2700.00 IDR 1069.40 IDR
2016-05-27 100.9100 IDR (100.82%) 1865.00 IDR 703.84 IDR
2015-11-23 50.2500 IDR (73.28%) 1120.00 IDR 399.63 IDR
2015-06-15 29 IDR 1300.00 IDR 443.04 IDR


Price: IDR3,300

52 week price:

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 14.85%

Payout Ratio: 170.77%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 490.00 IDR

Earnings Per Share: 292.25 IDR

P/E Ratio: 7.99

Exchange: JKT

Sector: Energy

Industry: Thermal Coal

Market Capitalization: 4.3 trillion

Average Dividend Frequency: 2

Years Paying Dividends: 9

DGR3: 30.00%

DGR5: 30.00%
