Mapletree Ind Tr dividends

Last dividend for Mapletree Ind Tr (ME8U.SI) as of May 9, 2024 is 0.03 SGD. The forward dividend yield for ME8U.SI as of May 9, 2024 is 6.14%. Average dividend growth rate for stock Mapletree Ind Tr (ME8U.SI) for past three years is 8.73%.

Dividend history for stock ME8U.SI (Mapletree Ind Tr) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

Mapletree Ind Tr Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-02-01 0.0336 SGD (1.20%) 2.40 SGD 2.40 SGD
2023-11-01 0.0332 SGD (264.84%) 2.08 SGD 2.11 SGD
2023-08-02 0.0091 SGD (-63.31%) 2.14 SGD 2.20 SGD
2023-06-01 0.0248 SGD (-25.53%) 2.17 SGD 2.24 SGD
2023-05-05 0.0333 SGD (-1.77%) 2.24 SGD 2.34 SGD
2023-02-02 0.0339 SGD (0.89%) 2.24 SGD 2.38 SGD
2022-11-02 0.0336 SGD (-3.72%) 2.07 SGD 2.23 SGD
2022-08-01 0.0349 SGD 2.45 SGD 2.68 SGD
2022-05-05 0.0349 SGD 2.30 SGD 2.54 SGD
2022-02-03 0.0349 SGD (0.58%) 2.23 SGD 2.50 SGD
2021-11-02 0.0347 SGD (204.39%) 2.39 SGD 2.72 SGD
2021-08-03 0.0114 SGD (-48.42%) 2.58 SGD 2.97 SGD
2021-05-28 0.0221 SGD (-32.80%) 2.38 SGD 2.75 SGD
2021-05-06 0.0329 SGD (0.61%) 2.39 SGD 2.78 SGD
2021-02-05 0.0327 SGD (6.84%) 2.42 SGD 2.86 SGD
2020-11-03 0.0306 SGD (5.86%) 2.60 SGD 3.10 SGD
2020-06-30 0.0289 SGD (1.76%) 2.37 SGD 2.86 SGD
2020-05-05 0.0284 SGD (-15.18%) 2.10 SGD 2.55 SGD
2020-01-29 0.0335 SGD (14.67%) 2.24 SGD 2.76 SGD
2019-09-24 0.0292 SGD (-5.48%) 1.99 SGD 2.48 SGD
2019-07-30 0.0309 SGD (126.28%) 1.79 SGD 2.25 SGD
2019-04-29 0.0137 SGD (-19.88%) 1.62 SGD 2.07 SGD
2019-02-18 0.0170 SGD (-44.30%) 1.54 SGD 1.98 SGD
2019-01-29 0.0306 SGD (1.99%) 1.55 SGD 2.01 SGD
2018-10-29 0.0300 SGD (0.33%) 1.44 SGD 1.89 SGD
2018-07-30 0.0299 SGD (1.69%) 1.50 SGD 2.00 SGD
2018-04-27 0.0294 SGD (56.08%) 1.48 SGD 2.01 SGD
2018-01-29 0.0188 SGD (-52.63%) 1.53 SGD 2.10 SGD
2017-10-30 0.0398 SGD (36.64%) 1.38 SGD 1.91 SGD
2017-07-31 0.0291 SGD (4.29%) 1.30 SGD 1.85 SGD
2017-04-28 0.0279 SGD (-0.71%) 1.24 SGD 1.78 SGD
2017-01-31 0.0281 SGD 1.12 SGD 1.64 SGD
2016-10-31 0.0281 SGD (-1.05%) 1.15 SGD 1.71 SGD
2016-08-01 0.0284 SGD (1.42%) 1.18 SGD 1.79 SGD
2016-04-29 0.0280 SGD (-0.35%) 1.04 SGD 1.60 SGD
2016-02-01 0.0281 SGD (1.08%) 0.97 SGD 1.52 SGD
2015-10-26 0.0278 SGD (2.20%) 0.95 SGD 1.52 SGD
2015-07-27 0.0272 SGD (3.02%) 0.93 SGD 1.51 SGD
2015-04-27 0.0264 SGD (-0.75%) 0.97 SGD 1.60 SGD
2015-01-26 0.0266 SGD (2.69%) 0.92 SGD 1.54 SGD
2014-10-28 0.0259 SGD (6.99%) 0.84 SGD 1.43 SGD
2014-07-29 0.0242 SGD (-2.80%) 0.81 SGD 1.41 SGD
2014-04-28 0.0249 SGD (-0.40%) 0.80 SGD 1.42 SGD
2014-01-27 0.0250 SGD (7.73%) 0.72 SGD 1.30 SGD
2013-10-28 0.0232 SGD (-4.12%) 0.75 SGD 1.38 SGD
2013-07-31 0.0242 SGD (2.53%) 0.72 SGD 1.35 SGD
2013-04-29 0.0236 SGD (2.16%) 0.83 SGD 1.57 SGD
2013-01-28 0.0231 SGD (1.31%) 0.72 SGD 1.40 SGD
2012-10-30 0.0228 SGD (1.33%) 0.71 SGD 1.39 SGD
2012-07-30 0.0225 SGD (1.80%) 0.65 SGD 1.31 SGD
2012-04-30 0.0221 SGD (2.78%) 0.56 SGD 1.13 SGD
2012-02-01 0.0215 SGD (137.38%) 0.53 SGD 1.11 SGD
2011-11-01 0.0091 SGD (-70.83%) 0.52 SGD 1.11 SGD
2011-08-02 0.0311 SGD (63.19%) 0.55 SGD 1.17 SGD
2011-05-03 0.0191 SGD (26.98%) 0.49 SGD 1.07 SGD
2011-01-28 0.0150 SGD 0.48 SGD 1.06 SGD


Price: SGD2.19

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.06%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 6.14%

Payout Ratio: 134.40%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 0.13 SGD

Earnings Per Share: 0.10 SGD

P/E Ratio: 24.60

Exchange: SES

Sector: Real Estate

Industry: REIT - Industrial

Market Capitalization: 6.5 billion

Average Dividend Frequency: 4

Years Paying Dividends: 14

DGR3: 8.73%

DGR5: 4.59%

DGR10: 4.80%
