Marble Point Loan Financing Limited dividends

Last dividend for Marble Point Loan Financing Limited (MPLS.L) as of May 9, 2024 is 0.02 GBp. The forward dividend yield for MPLS.L as of May 9, 2024 is 0.17%. Average dividend growth rate for stock Marble Point Loan Financing Limited (MPLS.L) for past three years is 3.16%.

Dividend history for stock MPLS.L (Marble Point Loan Financing Limited) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

Marble Point Loan Financing Limited Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2023-10-05 0.0225 GBp 49.85 GBp 49.85 GBp
2023-07-06 0.0225 GBp (26.50%) 50.28 GBp 50.30 GBp
2023-04-06 0.0178 GBp (-0.98%) 52.95 GBp 53.00 GBp
2023-01-05 0.0180 GBp (-8.88%) 55.93 GBp 56.00 GBp
2022-10-06 0.0197 GBp (6.44%) 60.91 GBp 61.00 GBp
2022-07-07 0.0185 GBp (9.61%) 55.65 GBp 55.75 GBp
2022-04-07 0.0169 GBp (4.41%) 67.60 GBp 67.75 GBp
2022-01-06 0.0162 GBp (1.13%) 67.84 GBp 68.00 GBp
2021-10-07 0.0160 GBp (11.24%) 65.83 GBp 66.00 GBp
2021-07-08 0.0144 GBp (1.98%) 64.56 GBp 64.75 GBp
2021-04-08 0.0141 GBp (-1.46%) 64.55 GBp 64.75 GBp
2021-01-07 0.0143 GBp (-5.14%) 57.06 GBp 57.25 GBp
2020-10-15 0.0151 GBp (0.18%) 50.62 GBp 50.80 GBp
2020-07-30 0.0151 GBp (-39.75%) 44.83 GBp 45.00 GBp
2020-01-09 0.0250 GBp (25%) 76.68 GBp 77.00 GBp
2019-10-10 0.0200 GBp 77.65 GBp 78.00 GBp
2019-07-04 0.0200 GBp 81.61 GBp 82.00 GBp
2019-04-18 0.0200 GBp 81.59 GBp 82.00 GBp
2019-01-24 0.0200 GBp 81.57 GBp 82.00 GBp
2019-01-17 0.0200 GBp 83.54 GBp 84.00 GBp
2018-10-18 0.0200 GBp 101.42 GBp 102.00 GBp
2018-07-12 0.0200 GBp (92.31%) 102.39 GBp 103.00 GBp
2018-04-19 0.0104 GBp 101.38 GBp 102.00 GBp


Price: £0.46

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 17.86%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 0.17%

Dividend Per Share: 0.09 GBp

P/E Ratio: 5.25

Exchange: LSE

Sector: Financial Services

Industry: Asset Management

Market Capitalization: 83.6 million

Average Dividend Frequency: 4

Years Paying Dividends: 6

DGR3: 3.16%
