PAZ OIL CO LTD dividends

Last dividend for PAZ OIL CO LTD (PZOL.TA) as of May 11, 2024 is 704.64 ILA. The forward dividend yield for PZOL.TA as of May 11, 2024 is 1.92%.

Dividend history for stock PZOL.TA (PAZ OIL CO LTD) including historic stock price, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

PAZ OIL CO LTD Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2023-12-21 704.6399 ILA (19.42%) 32490.00 ILA 32490.00 ILA
2020-06-03 590.0452 ILA (-78.57%) 29420.00 ILA 29420.00 ILA
2019-04-04 2753.9646 ILA (-30.06%) 50450.00 ILA 50450.00 ILA
2018-03-26 3937.7420 ILA (33.21%) 51350.00 ILA 51350.00 ILA
2016-12-15 2956.0070 ILA (76.40%) 59850.00 ILA 59850.00 ILA
2015-12-17 1675.7759 ILA (-31.97%) 59300.00 ILA 59300.00 ILA
2015-07-05 2463.3180 ILA (0.09%) 55750.00 ILA 55750.00 ILA
2014-12-08 2461.1270 ILA (-0.03%) 52260.00 ILA 52260.00 ILA
2014-01-15 2461.7720 ILA (24.84%) 54300.00 ILA 54300.00 ILA
2011-12-11 1971.9120 ILA (-20.01%) 45040.00 ILA 45040.00 ILA
2011-01-03 2465.1870 ILA (-0.95%) 66000.00 ILA 66000.00 ILA
2010-04-12 2488.7220 ILA (-16.31%) 55930.00 ILA 55930.00 ILA
2008-11-18 2973.6602 ILA (41.58%) 33820.00 ILA 33820.00 ILA
2008-02-12 2100.2769 ILA (142.27%) 53110.00 ILA 53110.00 ILA
2007-04-18 866.9195 ILA 41530.00 ILA 41530.00 ILA


Price: ILA36,710

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.00%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 1.92%

Payout Ratio: 2340.22%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 704.64 ILA

Earnings Per Share: 30.11 ILA

P/E Ratio: 7.98

Exchange: TLV

Sector: Energy

Industry: Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing

Market Capitalization: 3.9 billion

Average Dividend Frequency: 1

Years Paying Dividends: 1
