RAVAL ICS LTD dividends

Last dividend for RAVAL ICS LTD (RVL.TA) as of May 8, 2024 is 24.38 ILA. The forward dividend yield for RVL.TA as of May 8, 2024 is 10.24%.

Dividend history for stock RVL.TA (RAVAL ICS LTD) including historic stock price, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.


Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-04-18 24.3803 ILA (4.10%) 243.80 ILA 243.80 ILA
2023-04-10 23.4200 ILA (11.11%) 472.00 ILA 472.00 ILA
2022-04-18 21.0780 ILA (-74.80%) 623.70 ILA 593.35 ILA
2021-04-04 83.6400 ILA (713.78%) 1010.00 ILA 929.21 ILA
2017-04-20 10.2780 ILA (-4.76%) 854.90 ILA 721.38 ILA
2016-12-12 10.7919 ILA (-58.82%) 886.40 ILA 739.11 ILA
2016-04-21 26.2089 ILA (72.88%) 757.30 ILA 623.88 ILA
2015-04-21 15.1600 ILA (216.69%) 473.20 ILA 376.70 ILA
2014-09-03 4.7870 ILA (-54.14%) 582.00 ILA 449.03 ILA
2014-04-16 10.4390 ILA (-35.18%) 514.20 ILA 393.48 ILA
2013-06-30 16.1058 ILA (37.51%) 628.80 ILA 471.60 ILA
2008-04-30 11.7127 ILA 765.00 ILA 559.96 ILA


Price: ILA238.10

52 week price:

Forward Dividend Yield: 10.24%

Payout Ratio: 7618.83%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 24.38 ILA

Earnings Per Share: 0.32 ILA

P/E Ratio: 7.60

Exchange: TLV

Sector: Consumer Cyclical

Industry: Auto Parts

Market Capitalization: 199.5 million

Average Dividend Frequency: 1

Years Paying Dividends: 3
