SHELL PLC dividends

Last dividend for SHELL PLC (SHELL.PR) as of May 10, 2024 is 8.15 CZK. The forward dividend yield for SHELL.PR as of May 10, 2024 is 3.91%.

Dividend history for stock SHELL.PR (SHELL PLC) including historic stock price, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

SHELL PLC Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-02-15 8.1529 CZK (9.33%) 746.05 CZK 746.05 CZK
2023-11-16 7.4574 CZK (1.86%) 758.37 CZK 758.37 CZK
2023-08-10 7.3209 CZK (16.49%) 683.23 CZK 690.00 CZK
2023-05-18 6.2848 CZK (-2.08%) 664.97 CZK 678.72 CZK
2023-02-16 6.4182 CZK (19.96%) 711.67 CZK 733.44 CZK
2021-11-11 5.3504 CZK (4.07%) 475.47 CZK 490.00 CZK
2021-08-12 5.1414 CZK (41.04%) 421.73 CZK 439.35 CZK
2021-05-13 3.6454 CZK (1.10%) 393.80 CZK 415.00 CZK
2021-02-18 3.6058 CZK (-1.53%) 407.31 CZK 433.00 CZK
2020-11-12 3.6618 CZK (3.69%) 334.30 CZK 358.35 CZK
2020-08-13 3.5314 CZK (-9.43%) 336.20 CZK 364.00 CZK
2020-05-14 3.8990 CZK (-62.56%) 353.57 CZK 386.60 CZK
2020-02-13 10.4147 CZK (-3.89%) 527.17 CZK 582.00 CZK
2019-11-14 10.8361 CZK (-0.70%) 559.82 CZK 629.15 CZK
2019-08-15 10.9128 CZK (2.11%) 580.35 CZK 652.00 CZK
2019-05-16 10.6877 CZK (-0.90%) 604.80 CZK 707.94 CZK
2019-02-14 10.7847 CZK (0.49%) 601.65 CZK 686.45 CZK
2018-11-15 10.7322 CZK (3.63%) 651.21 CZK 742.89 CZK
2018-08-09 10.3558 CZK 658.66 CZK 751.49 CZK


Price: CZK833.40

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.00%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 3.91%

Payout Ratio: 1174.77%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 32.61 CZK

Earnings Per Share: 2.78 CZK

P/E Ratio: 266.75

Exchange: PRA

Sector: Energy

Industry: Oil & Gas Integrated

Market Capitalization: 5.3 trillion

Average Dividend Frequency: 4

Years Paying Dividends: 2
