Last dividend for E SCHNAPP CO WORKS (SHNP.TA) as of May 8, 2024 is 39.39 ILA. The forward dividend yield for SHNP.TA as of May 8, 2024 is 12.45%. Average dividend growth rate for stock E SCHNAPP CO WORKS (SHNP.TA) for past three years is -30.00%.

Dividend history for stock SHNP.TA (E SCHNAPP CO WORKS) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.


Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-04-01 2024-04-08 39.3859 ILA (150.00%) 1239.00 ILA 1239.00 ILA
2023-11-30 2023-12-07 15.7544 ILA 939.10 ILA 939.10 ILA
2023-09-07 2023-09-14 15.7544 ILA (100%) 974.60 ILA 974.60 ILA
2023-06-04 2023-06-08 7.8772 ILA (-80.00%) 1076.00 ILA 1076.00 ILA
2023-04-09 2023-04-18 39.3859 ILA 1307.55 ILA 1317.00 ILA
2023-04-04 39.3859 ILA (316.67%) 1319.08 ILA 1368.00 ILA
2022-12-04 2022-12-08 9.4526 ILA (-40.00%) 1349.56 ILA 1441.00 ILA
2022-08-30 2022-09-06 15.7544 ILA 1862.93 ILA 2002.00 ILA
2022-06-02 2022-06-12 15.7544 ILA (-71.43%) 1928.65 ILA 2089.00 ILA
2022-04-03 2022-04-07 55.1402 ILA 2272.21 ILA 2480.00 ILA
2022-03-31 55.1402 ILA (40.00%) 2250.10 ILA 2511.00 ILA
2021-09-01 2021-09-13 39.3859 ILA (150.00%) 1725.93 ILA 1969.00 ILA
2021-06-02 2021-06-09 15.7543 ILA (-80.00%) 1708.78 ILA 1989.00 ILA
2021-04-04 2021-04-12 78.7718 ILA 1246.05 ILA 1462.00 ILA
2021-04-01 78.7718 ILA (400.00%) 1178.91 ILA 1462.00 ILA
2020-12-07 2020-12-14 15.7543 ILA (-33.33%) 895.53 ILA 1174.00 ILA
2020-09-01 2020-09-13 23.6315 ILA (400%) 849.17 ILA 1128.00 ILA
2018-09-12 2018-09-25 4.7263 ILA (-25.00%) 1391.88 ILA 1886.00 ILA
2018-06-10 2018-06-20 6.3017 ILA (-73.33%) 1922.86 ILA 2612.00 ILA
2018-04-09 2018-04-22 23.6315 ILA (130.77%) 1851.36 ILA 2521.00 ILA
2017-12-10 10.2403 ILA (116.67%) 1948.68 ILA 2679.00 ILA
2017-09-05 4.7263 ILA (-14.29%) 2270.27 ILA 3133.00 ILA
2017-06-07 5.5140 ILA (-90.67%) 2388.39 ILA 3301.00 ILA
2017-04-09 59.0789 ILA (525.00%) 2469.65 ILA 3419.00 ILA
2016-12-04 9.4526 ILA (71.43%) 1950.95 ILA 2748.00 ILA
2016-09-04 5.5140 ILA (-41.67%) 1835.98 ILA 2595.00 ILA
2016-06-06 9.4526 ILA (-82.86%) 1426.04 ILA 2020.00 ILA
2016-04-06 55.1403 ILA (723.53%) 1174.17 ILA 1671.00 ILA
2015-12-08 6.6956 ILA (-22.73%) 965.94 ILA 1420.00 ILA
2015-09-07 8.6649 ILA (37.50%) 1002.06 ILA 1480.00 ILA
2015-06-07 6.3017 ILA (-84.00%) 934.26 ILA 1388.00 ILA
2015-03-31 39.3859 ILA (316.67%) 960.33 ILA 1433.00 ILA
2014-12-08 9.4526 ILA (60.00%) 915.52 ILA 1403.00 ILA
2014-09-08 5.9079 ILA (15.38%) 975.59 ILA 1505.00 ILA
2014-06-01 5.1202 ILA (-56.67%) 946.57 ILA 1466.00 ILA
2014-04-02 11.8158 ILA (-48.28%) 1021.13 ILA 1587.00 ILA
2013-12-02 22.8438 ILA (427.27%) 956.73 ILA 1498.00 ILA
2013-09-01 4.3325 ILA 899.59 ILA 1430.00 ILA
2013-06-09 4.3325 ILA (-65.62%) 903.77 ILA 1441.00 ILA
2013-04-04 12.6035 ILA (33.33%) 896.68 ILA 1434.00 ILA
2012-12-09 9.4526 ILA (140.00%) 614.53 ILA 991.50 ILA
2012-08-26 3.9386 ILA (-54.55%) 487.44 ILA 794.00 ILA
2012-05-28 8.6649 ILA (-72.50%) 500.84 ILA 819.90 ILA
2012-03-22 31.5087 ILA (-50.80%) 486.00 ILA 804.00 ILA
2011-04-07 64.0370 ILA (-21.11%) 714.94 ILA 1230.00 ILA
2010-04-12 81.1747 ILA (146.67%) 629.37 ILA 1138.00 ILA
2009-04-06 32.9083 ILA (-33.33%) 359.83 ILA 697.00 ILA
2008-04-03 49.3624 ILA 327.05 ILA 664.80 ILA


Price: ILA1,316

52 week price:

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 12.45%

Payout Ratio: 6456.70%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 157.54 ILA

Earnings Per Share: 2.44 ILA

P/E Ratio: 4.67

Exchange: TLV

Sector: Consumer Cyclical

Industry: Auto Parts

Market Capitalization: 160.3 million

Average Dividend Frequency: 3

Years Paying Dividends: 5

DGR3: -30.00%
