Volati AB Pref dividends

Last dividend for Volati AB Pref (VOLO-PREF.ST) as of May 9, 2024 is 10 SEK. The forward dividend yield for VOLO-PREF.ST as of May 9, 2024 is 6.58%. Average dividend growth rate for stock Volati AB Pref (VOLO-PREF.ST) for past three years is 14.26%.

Dividend history for stock VOLO-PREF.ST (Volati AB Pref) including historic stock price, dividend growth rate predictions based on history, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

Volati AB Pref Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2024-02-02 10 SEK 598.00 SEK 598.00 SEK
2023-11-03 10 SEK 600.00 SEK 600.00 SEK
2023-08-04 10 SEK 590.00 SEK 590.00 SEK
2023-05-04 10 SEK 594.00 SEK 594.00 SEK
2023-02-03 10 SEK 626.00 SEK 615.53 SEK
2022-10-28 10 SEK 610.00 SEK 590.37 SEK
2022-08-04 10 SEK 626.00 SEK 596.05 SEK
2022-05-04 10 SEK 648.00 SEK 607.27 SEK
2022-04-28 10 SEK 648.00 SEK 597.92 SEK
2022-02-04 10 SEK 658.00 SEK 597.78 SEK
2021-11-04 10 SEK 666.00 SEK 595.88 SEK
2021-08-04 10 SEK 680.00 SEK 599.41 SEK
2021-05-04 10 SEK (-67.53%) 656.00 SEK 569.82 SEK
2021-02-04 30.8000 SEK (208%) 664.00 SEK 568.11 SEK
2020-11-04 10 SEK 626.00 SEK 511.76 SEK
2020-08-04 10 SEK 626.00 SEK 503.58 SEK
2020-05-04 10 SEK 618.00 SEK 489.26 SEK
2020-02-04 10 SEK 678.00 SEK 528.16 SEK
2019-11-04 10 SEK 670.00 SEK 514.34 SEK
2019-08-02 10 SEK 692.00 SEK 523.39 SEK
2019-05-03 10 SEK 674.00 SEK 502.52 SEK
2019-02-04 10 SEK 656.00 SEK 481.88 SEK
2018-11-02 10 SEK 666.00 SEK 481.90 SEK
2018-08-03 10 SEK 664.00 SEK 473.31 SEK
2018-05-03 10 SEK 654.00 SEK 459.09 SEK
2018-02-02 10 SEK 646.00 SEK 446.61 SEK
2017-11-02 10 SEK 639.00 SEK 434.93 SEK
2017-08-03 10 SEK (400%) 629.00 SEK 421.45 SEK
2017-05-04 2 SEK (-80%) 595.00 SEK 392.40 SEK
2017-05-03 10 SEK 598.00 SEK 393.06 SEK
2017-02-03 10 SEK (400%) 550.00 SEK 355.38 SEK
2017-02-02 2 SEK (-80%) 550.00 SEK 348.92 SEK
2016-11-03 10 SEK 560.00 SEK 353.98 SEK
2016-08-04 10 SEK 517.50 SEK 321.31 SEK
2016-05-03 10 SEK 495.00 SEK 301.47 SEK
2016-02-04 10 SEK 457.50 SEK 273.09 SEK
2015-11-04 10 SEK 490.00 SEK 286.18 SEK
2015-08-04 10 SEK 505.00 SEK 288.95 SEK


Price: SEK608

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 0.00%

5-year range yield:

Forward Dividend Yield: 6.58%

Payout Ratio: 1078.17%

Payout Ratio Range:

Dividend Per Share: 40.00 SEK

Earnings Per Share: 3.71 SEK

P/E Ratio: 133.93

Exchange: STO

Sector: Industrials

Industry: Conglomerates

Market Capitalization: 11.0 billion

Average Dividend Frequency: 4

Years Paying Dividends: 10

DGR3: 14.26%

DGR5: 7.61%
