Kemper Corporation SUB NT 54 dividends

Dividend history for stock KMPA (Kemper Corporation SUB NT 54) including historic stock price, payout ratio history and split, spin-off and special dividends.

Kemper Corporation SUB NT 54 Dividends

Ex-dividend datePayable dateDividend amount (change) Adjusted PriceClose Price
2016-02-10 0.4610 USD 25.91 USD 25.91 USD


Price: $25.15

52 week price:

Dividend Yield: 3.82%

Earnings Per Share: 0.33 USD

P/E Ratio: 7.49

Exchange: NYQ

Sector: Finance

Industry: Property-Casualty Insurers

Volume: 510

Market Capitalization: 1.3 billion
